
My little boy has always been reluctant to try new foods especially fruit and vegetables. He likes what he likes. I am keen to extend the variety of food he eats and am mindful I don’t want to place undue pressure on him to try new foods. This activity was perfect for him and he really surprised me with what he chose to do with the fruit and vegetables.


Set Up

Through our In the Garden activity box we have been growing radishes and beans and my son has become fascinated with how things grow. Together with his radish shoot and his beans, I added different fruit and vegetables that I knew he would be reluctant to eat. I added the wooden birds from our In the Garden activity box and one of his peg dolls in case my son wanted to feed them. I added the chopping board and a knife to encourage some exploration.

My son was intrigued by the activity set up but at first was reluctant to even touch anything.

As this afternoon went on he got a little bit closer; feeding the birds and the rabbit some apple; cutting up the apple to give to me, cutting up and squishing the strawberrry until…..


…. he tried a piece of carrot. Success!!!

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