Autumn Leaf Confetti

This is a easy autumn leaf craft activity idea that is suitable for toddlers and older children too. It is great for developing motor skills and strengthening fingers. We had been reading Maisy goes to a Wedding which they both enjoyed and M had been particularly intrigued by the idea of throwing confetti at a wedding. So I thought we could use this autumn leaf craft activity idea to create our own which is kind to the environment.


Set Up

So I included the Maisy Goes to a Wedding book, a hole puncher and a craft hole puncher in the shape of a star. I bought mine from Lidl but you can find similar ones here. Hole punches especially the ones which you can squeeze in your hands are great for strengthening fingers which is important for fine motor skills. I also added the leaves which we had collected together earlier on in the day. It is better to use leaves that haven’t completely dried yet as otherwise they have a tendency to just crumble.

M seemed to instantly know what we were trying to make when she saw this autumn craft activity set up. They busily went to work creating the confetti. F did need more support putting the leaf in the correct place for both the hole punches but did enjoy pushing them down to create the holes. M wanted to see the fruits of her labour so liked having the cover off the back of the hole punches so that the “holes” instantly fell out.

Toddler and Kids Autumn Leaf Craft Idea

The holes left behind on the leaves were beautiful in themselves and they both really enjoyed peeking through them. The confetti that they created with this autumn leaf craft activity was beautiful. It was nice to use a range of different leaves so that there was a mixture of colours. My two children really enjoyed this autumn craft idea and I am looking forward to using their confetti for some more craft activities at home.