Ice Cream Soap Fun!

This is a messy play activity that doesn’t actually make too much mess! Even better, no time is required to set this activity up. Although enjoyably messy for the little ones to play with, it is very easy to clean up afterwards.

Pretend ice cream sensory play

Set Up

I set this up with the girls present. However I did throw some magnetic letters into the bowl when the girls weren’t present, so that they were a little surprise under the soap. I used moldable soap in a can that you can buy in supermarkets or poundshops. Just squirt the soap into the bowl, throw in some spoons and plastic cups and hand it over to the small people!

One important point is to put an old towel down on the floor as depending on your floor type the soap can become a little slippy. Or better yet do the activity outside!

It took a while for them to discover the letters and although they were surprised they were too busy filling up their ice cream cups to really care. I did attempt to question them both on either the colours of the letters or the sounds they made. However I realised I should leave them to their messy fun first. M. after quite some time, came back to the letters and wanted to find them all and organise them into their letter sounds. F. enjoyed putting the lid on and off again on the ice lolly maker and spent so long happily just doing this.


Clearing up was simply a case of getting the small people to put everything back into the bowl and using the towel to clean any soap off the floor. Easy.

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