Looking for Bugs

Inspired by the book Mad About Minibeasts this sensory activity for toddlers and children is a simple, fun and effective activity to learn more about minibeasts.


Set Up

For this sensory literacy activity I simply used the spinner, red rice and the magnifying pot from our Minibeast Activity Box. I placed the spinner at the bottom of a tray, poured over the sensory red rice, added a paint brush and some pots and we were ready to play.

My son needed no encouragement to get his hands into the red sensory rice and loved finding all the different minibeasts. He got so excited about each one we found and loved reading about that particular minibeast in his Mad about Minibeast book.

We had some wonderful conversations about each of the minibeasts - we learnt that worms help clean the soil for the plants; that bees and butterflies help more flowers to grow.
