Jack and the Beanstalk Puppet Show

The girls always love a home puppet show at home. Although these normally simply consist of one of their soft toys doing a silly dance behind the sofa, I thought I could adapt this to link to the story Jack and the Beanstalk which we had been reading this week. This great, fun puppet show idea will help develop your child’s language skills especially story telling.

Jack and the Beanstalk show at home

Set Up

This was such an easy puppet show idea to set up at home and consisted of just gathering up props (various toys and small figures) from around the house.

So we combined snack time with watching the puppet show and the girls settled in to enjoy it. My eldest loved it and enjoyed watching the puppet show I put on for them. She kept suggesting other props from around the house I could use instead. My youngest normally loves a puppet show but think she would have preferred more singing and dancing from the characters.

Jack and the beanstalk toddler show

Both of the girls enjoyed playing with the props afterwards. Afterwards my eldest put on her own puppet show for us. I was so impressed with the language she used and the way she improvised the story; “I’m changing the story!” The next day I printed character pictures out and stuck them onto lolly sticks and the girls acted out the story again with their daddy this time.

This was an easy puppet show idea to try at home with babies, toddlers and children.