Robot Bugs

This activity is inspired by two of my son’s current favourite books: Mad about Minibeasts written by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz and Harry and the Robots by Ian Whybrow.

This playdough activity is wonderful for working on those all important fine motor skills. Read here, as to why it is so important for our children and toddlers to work on their motor skills.


Set Up

This was a really quick and easy activity to set up and tidy away afterwards. I use the yellow playdough, wooden beads and black beans from our Bugs Bugs Bugs activity box and added various screws, nails, hooks… from my our took box. I added a ‘real’ screwdriver but used one of my son’s toy hammers. I didn’t feel brave enough to give him a real hammer but I will when he’s older.

Please Note: Throughout this activity there was always an adult sat next to my son.

My son was so intrigued by this activity and couldn’t quite believe I was letting him play with something which is normally off limits. We look at the pictures in both books and divided the playdough in two: one portion for my son and one for me.


My son was so sensible with the screws and nails and picked each one up and said to me “this one is sharp.” We had the most wonderful chats about each other’s bugs - using all that beautiful language we had learnt during the ‘Can you move like a minibeast game.’

Lovely activity which is quick to set up and really works on those important fine motor skills.