Sticky Art
My son is a very busy active toddler and has a very short attention span. He needs activities which he can revisit throughout an afternoon. This sensory art idea is perfect for my toddler because he can flit between creating a piece of art and playing with his toys.
Set Up
For this sensory art idea you will need some sticky back plastic, tissue paper, pom poms, pipe cleans, stickers, feathers, anything you can get your hands on. In most shops they do a selection of tactical art and craft resources which are great to have in the cupboard for these type of activities. The sticky back plastic needs to be stuck on a glass door. I used blu tack and sellotape to secure it onto our glass balustrade. The paper which you peel off needs to be facing outwards, so that when you peel the paper off the sticky side is facing you. On a number of occasions I have stuck the sticky back plastic the wrong side out.
My toddler was intrigued at this sensory art idea when he came downstairs from his nap and first of all had a good rummage through the box of crafts. I modelled sticking some tissue paper onto the plastic and then he knew exactly what he needed to do.
Throughout the afternoon my toddler revisited this sensory art idea a number of times; putting bits on, taking bits off… It was perfect for a busy toddler because he could work on his art over an extended period of time.
We do this sensory art idea on a regular basis because it allows my toddler to be creative in his own time.