Our June Activities!

child spinning a newton spinner

Our activities for your investigators!

This month your children will:

  • Explore making rainbows with a glass prism

  • Design and make your rainbow spinner!

  • Experiment with chromatography.

  • Solve two word-based challenges.

This is a STEM-filled box for your children.

As teachers and mummies, we love science experiments because not only are the activities exciting but it teaches so many skills.

Science and nature-based activities help children understand the world around them and develop their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Plus it helps to support their creativity.

Our children have been mesmerised by the results of their based science experiments. So inspired by the experiments, our eldest delivered a presentation to her class to demonstrate Newton’s Colour Theory!

child making a chalk pastel heart

Our activities for your Explorers!

This month your children will be:

  • Creating a love box

  • Design your own chalk pastel heart artwork

  • Craft calming suncatchers

  • Plant and grow their own forget-me-nots

As parents, all we want for our children is to be happy. We know that it’s impossible to be happy all the time but we want our children to believe in themselves and have the tools and confidence to get back up when life knocks them.

This box will teach your children to recognise how incredible they are by recording their incredible attributes and developing their self-esteem.

It will also encourage them to self-nurture and talk kindly to themselves.

This box will remind them that whatever happens, you will always love them and have their back!